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  4. Access Rights: Projects

Access Rights: Projects

Projects access rights for each employee are configured in Projects -> Settings, and switch to Users Access Settings tab:

You can deny module access to any employee, or grant them administrator, project manager or employee rights. If you deny access to projects to any specific employee, the module will not be visible in the sidebar. Also,they will not be able to access projects with a direct link.


Administrators have full access to all projects of the company. They see all the information both on their own and on others’ projects. Administrators can create new projects or modify, archive and delete existing projects (including projects created by other users).

Project Managers

Project managers, like administrators, can create projects. However, they have full access only to those projects in which they are managers. To the projects in which they are only participants, they have limited access.

In Others' Projects, Project Managers Can:

  • view all tasks, leave comments on them and create new ones;
  • view the Gantt diagram, but not edit it;
  • leave comments, notes;
  • create issues on projects;
  • upload, download, delete documents.

In Others' Projects, Project Managers Cannot:

  • see financial information (budget and costs);
  • edit the project, delete it, or send it to the archive;
  • change the project team;
  • enter data into the Gantt chart (view-only mode);
  • move the project card on the board from stage to stage or change the stage on the detailed project page;
  • cancel the completed work items.

In addition, managers do not have access to the Workload Board section.

The user can only become a project member when the responsible manager or administrator adds them to the Project team.

In the Portal Settings → Projects → Main Settings, you can give managers access to view all projects:

If this option is not active, then the manager in the projects, on the board, in the archive sees only them projects and those in which this person is a participant. If the option is active, the manager will be available to view all projects, including those in which he/she is not a participant. In such projects, the manager will be able to perform the same actions as the participants.


Employees cannot create, modify, archive or delete projects. Employees have access only to the projects they are working on. In those projects, they can view all tasks, view the Gantt chart, upload/download/delete documents, add new tasks, notes and comments. They cannot view financial information (budget and costs) and change the project stage.

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