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- Flowlu
- Flowlu Help Center
- Client Portal
- Setting Up Permissions For External Users
Setting Up Permissions For External Users
In Flowlu, you can configure access rights to certain data for external users.
After the external user accepts the invitation, they will be displayed in the appropriate tab.

After opening the card of an external user, all their contact info, associated CRM account and related company (if it has any) will be displayed in the "Main" section. It also shows what role is associated this external user with.

For a CRM account and a company, you can specify fields that will be available for viewing directly from this tab.

You can also specify the date and time to indicate until what moment the external user will have access to the specified information.

Specify the access rights for each of the modules. External users can access the following modules:
- CRM (to their CRM account card);
- Tasks;
- Projects;
- Knowledge Base;
- Invoices and estimates.
In the "Permissions" tab for each of the mentioned above modules, you can set up:
- View fields. Here you can specify the fields that will be displayed to an external user in projects, tasks, CRM account, etc.
- View relations. Here you can set up whether an external user will see the assignee or the owner of the task, at what stage the project is, etc.
- Available actions. An external user can leave comments, create tasks, convert the estimate into an invoice, etc.
- External user notifications. An external user can be notified when certain changes are made to the corresponding project or task, etc.
After linking an external user to their CRM account, a corresponding window with the attached external user will appear in the CRM account card. Here you can configure what fields will be displayed and/or, if needed, remove external user's relation from this CRM account.

After authorization, the specified information from the CRM account and the related company cards will be displayed for an external user in the "My Account" section.

In the "Available items" tab, you can also define access for specified items. For example, you can give a client access to a specific task or project. For each of the added items, you can also indicate the date and time until which defined data will be available.

In the "Available users" tab, you can configure which employees of your account will be viewable to an external user during authorization. For example, to whom they will be able to assign tasks or whether the project team or project manager will be displayed to them in related project.

The external user will also be able to send these employees private messages or add them to the chat for discussion.
Next, let's see how to open access to a specific item for external users in your account.
How to share tasks with external users
Tasks for an external user will be displayed if:
- Access is given to specific tasks in the "Available items" tab.
- An external user is owner, assignee, collaborator or follower In the task.
- In the "Tasks" tab of the associated CRM account.
- Access is given to view tasks that related to a specified project ("Permissions" → "Projects" → "View relations" → "Tasks")
In the "Tasks" module, an external user can view the execution of tasks for specific projects and assign tasks to employees, leave comments and upload files.
How to share knowledge base with external user
Knowledge bases for an external user will be displayed if:
- Access is given to specific knowledge bases in the "Available items" tab.
- A external user is selected in the knowledge base settings → "Access".
In the Knowledge Base module, an external user can view published articles, leave comments, upload and / or delete files. You can also open external view for knowledge bases.
How to share projects with external users
Projects for external users will be displayed if:
- Access is given to specific projects in the "Available items" tab.
- External user was selected as "Client" during creation of the project.
- Access is given to view projects related to a particular task ("Permissions" → "Tasks" → "View relations" → "Projects").
In the "Projects" module, with the permission of the administrator, an external user can track the progress of the project, assign tasks to employees, leave comments and upload files. They may also have access to files, project tasks, comments, related revenues, expenses, invoices and estimates, project team, and work order.
A user can copy an external link to a project to, for example, share it with your team in a chat.
How to share invoices with external users
Invoices for external users will be displayed if:
- Access is given in the "Available items" tab.
- An invoice in which an external user is listed as a customer, is marked as sent or was sent by e-mail.
- Access is given to view invoices related to a particular project ("Permissions" → "Project" → "View relations" → "Invoices").
Here, with administrator permission, an external user can leave comments, upload or delete files.
How to share estimates with external users
Estimates for external users will be displayed if:
- Access is given in the "Available items" tab.
- An estimate in which an external user is listed as a customer, is marked as sent or was sent by e-mail.
- Access is given to view estimates related to a particular project ("Permissions" → "Project" → "View relations" → "Estimates")
Here, with administrator permission, an external user can leave comments as well as convert estimates to invoices.