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Flowlu allows businesses to manage projects from anywhere
Alvin Buckley, Event Manager
Alvin Buckley, Event Manager

This review was originally published and hosted on GoodFirms.

Flowlu is a cloud-based collaboration software that allows businesses to manage tasks, and projects from anywhere.

Review Summary

This software is great!! So easy to enter information and schedules. This solution keeps me very productive! I have a tendency to try to tackle too much at once and end up with an overwhelming number of unfinished tasks. I like the fact that I can share the tasks and lists with anyone just by using their email addresses.


Mailchimp, Stripe.

Switched from

How long have you used Flowlu?

8 Months

How frequently you use Flowlu?


What do you like the most about Flowlu?

Everything is so simple but effective.

Clean, straightforward and easy to use.

It has so much functionality.

What do you like the least about Flowlu?

Some more advanced features are required.

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