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Project Management Software for Education Industry

O Flowlu é um software de gerenciamento de projetos flexível para a indústria da educação e uma suíte completa para escolas, universidades, faculdades, institutos e academias. Nossas ferramentas online permitem que você colabore efetivamente entre os departamentos educacionais e torne as equipes mais organizadas na gestão dos processos diários.
Flowlu - Project Management Software for Education Industry
Explore the seamless onboarding and knowledge base.
All your information is stored and encrypted using the TLS protocol.
Everything for planning, managing and analyzing your projects.
Fully customizable
Customize Flowlu to meet the needs of your business and clients.
Reduce costs on subscriptions and boost team productivity
Flowlu - Reduce costs on subscriptions and boost team productivity
Handle Educational Projects

Teachers, lecturers, and students can utilize Flowlu’s projects to collaborate on courses and assignments, distribute workload, discuss grades, and submit homework. Plan projects using various layouts, like Gantt or Kanban boards. Manage files and important milestones, keep track of project issues and deadlines, exchange opinions on educational subjects.

Project Management Software for Education Industry
Collaborate With Your Team

Easily collaborate with your colleagues in the chat or comments on each task or project. Use workspaces and feed to share important announcements or discuss news. Utilize mind maps to brainstorm new ideas with your peers or students. Get instant notifications on every important update and stay in the loop 24/7.

Project Management Software for Education Industry
Keep Track of Tasks

Allocate tasks for students and keep track of their progress with handy kanban boards integrated into Flowlu’s project management software for the education Iindustry. Track time spent on each assignment, set reminders, and attach relevant files. Use our recurring task templates and workflow automations to get rid of routine work and save time and effort.

Project Management Software for Education Industry
Store Student’s Information

Utilize Flowlu’s inbuilt CRM to keep track of your students. With the detailed student record, you can see the relevant contact information, attended classes, notes, engagement history, current and past assignments, related educational projects, and scheduled workshops. Flowlu lets you tailor a student's profile to your needs by adding custom fields with the necessary data.

Project Management Software for Education Industry
Share Knowledge With Students
Create easy-to-navigate documentation for your students or peers with Flowlu’s online knowledge base option. Add articles and supplement them with videos, links and images, so your student can obtain learning content wherever they are. Teachers can easily revise and update the study materials to keep their wikis up-to-date.
Explore Knowledge
Flowlu - Share Knowledge With Students
Create Custom Tables
Create a database using Flowlu’s record lists to track student information or job applications, manage classes and courses, monitor student attendance. Flowlu makes it easy to manage any type of information you need with multiple field types and filters. Using record lists is a powerful way for educators to organize their content the way they need!
Flowlu - Create Custom Tables
Manage Teacher’s Schedule
Flowlu’s built-in calendar allows you to organize your schedule effectively and share it with other teammates. Keep everyone informed about your plans and minimize scheduling conflicts. Connect your Google Calendar or Calendly account to keep all important information on upcoming lectures, events, trainings, workshops and classes in one place.
Flowlu - Manage Teacher’s Schedule
Enable Student Portal
Try using our client portal to create a dedicated place for your students. No need to add them to your main account! Educators can provide external access to their students to specific projects, tasks or even knowledge bases. Teachers and department heads can also easily collaborate with students and parents via the portal’s chat. Remember to add an onboarding checklist for your students to help them get started with the courses!
Explore Client Portal
Flowlu - Enable Student Portal
Run Administrative Operations
Flowlu’s project management software can take care of the numerous administrative and daily operations of the educational institutions and teachers. Educational teams can use Flowlu for accounting, budget tracking and invoicing, gather administrative information on the school staff and departments, keep track of their workload and curriculum, as well as organize admin tasks.
Explore Invoicing
Flowlu - Run Administrative Operations

Navigate Our Subscription Options

Find an ideal pricing tier for your educational institution or department.
2 Users
1GB Storage
Always free. No expiration, no hidden fees
Sign Up
  • Unlimited Projects & Tasks
  • Unlimited Contacts
  • Invoicing & Online Payments
  • Expense Tracking
  • 1 Project Template
  • 1 Knowledge Base
Show all features
8 Users
10GB Storage
$39 $49
per team / month
billed yearly
per team / month
billed monthly
Start free trial
  • All features from Free plan, plus:
  • Client Portal
  • 3 Project Templates
  • 2 Knowledge Bases
  • Task Automation
  • API and Webhooks
  • Email Integration
  • Time Tracking
  • CRM Automation
Show all features
Business HIT
16 Users
50GB Storage
$79 $99
per team / month
billed yearly
per team / month
billed monthly
Start free trial
  • All features from Team plan, plus:
  • Custom Fields
  • Time Billing
  • Task Automation
  • Click & Open Tracking for Email
  • Telephony Integration
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • Advanced Reports
Show all features
25 Users
100GB Storage
$159 $199
per team / month
billed yearly
per team / month
billed monthly
Start free trial
  • All features from Business plan, plus:
  • 20 Project Templates
  • Unlimited Knowledge Bases
  • Change History
  • Advanced Reports
  • Custom Logo
  • Report: Project Cash Flow Forecast
  • Additional Transactions Reports
  • External User Roles
  • User Roles
Show all features
Unlimited Users
1000GB Storage
$263 $329
per team / month
billed yearly
per team / month
billed monthly
Start free trial
  • All features from Professional plan, plus:
  • Formula Fields
  • Custom Domain
  • Unlimited External Users
  • IP Whitelist
Show all features

Porque é que as empresas adoram a Flowlu?

Um produto excelente em geral
O Flowlu é um daqueles produtos que encantam a cada clique em um novo recurso. Normalmente, não confio em aplicativos que tentam ser tudo, mas o Flowlu é bem projetado com as necessidades empresariais e do usuário final em mente. Posso dizer honestamente que li todas as comparações que encontrei porque fazer uma mudança é muito importante. A cor... Ler mais
Brandon E.
Brandon E.
Sales Specialist
Solução abrangente para gerenciamento de projetos e CRM
O Flowlu é uma solução abrangente para gerenciamento de projetos e software de CRM. Especialmente quando você não quer ter uma dúzia de sistemas separados e se afogar em esforços de integração. A interface é fácil de usar e existem alguns recursos incríveis, como fluxo de tarefas totalmente automatizado DENTRO do próprio sistema. Ele também tem ... Ler mais
Tomas V.
Tomas V.
Top de linha
O Flowlu é fácil de entender desde o início. A UI / UX é muito melhor do que tudo o que tentei ... incluindo o Plutio. O que mais gosto é de tudo! O FlwoLu realmente pensou nas coisas e está parecendo ainda mais brilhante para o futuro! Dê uma olhada em sua lista de recursos e você ficará impressionado. Eles têm um período de teste gratuito. Eu ... Ler mais
Shiraz Q.
Shiraz Q.
Eu simplesmente amo isso!
Minha empresa estava procurando um CRM / Gerenciamento de Projetos / Portal do Cliente e eu imediatamente recomendei o Flowlu (descobri em meu emprego anterior e fiquei seriamente impressionado). Eles foram rápidos em implementar assim que viram o que ele pode fazer e olharam para MUITO outro software. Ele realmente faz tudo muito, muito bem. El... Ler mais
Josiah H.
Josiah H.
Web Developer
THIS is what I've been waiting for
Ler mais
Antonio Thornton, P.
Antonio Thornton, P.
Empolgado com o Flowlu
Eu estava procurando uma plataforma viável que tornasse meu negócio mais lucrativo e mais fácil de gerenciar para atender aos meus requisitos há muito tempo. Algumas plataformas oferecem funções semelhantes ao Flowlu, mas o Flowlu oferece velocidade, desempenho e qualidade geral do produto. Atualmente, estou implementando e testando a plataforma... Ler mais
Martin G.
Martin G.
Does it all really well
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Joshua M.
Joshua M.
So much more than just a Project Management tool!
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Tim D.
Tim D.
Head Consultant
Flowlu has been the most useful project management tool that we have
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Tim Van W.
Tim Van W.
Senior Project Supervisor
O Flowlu permite que as empresas gerenciem projetos de qualquer lugar.
Este software é ótimo !! Tão fácil de inserir informações e agendas. Essa solução me mantém muito produtivo! Tenho tendência a tentar abordar muitas coisas de uma vez e acabar com um número avassalador de tarefas inacabadas. Gosto do fato de poder compartilhar as tarefas e listas com qualquer pessoa apenas usando seus endereços de e-mail. Ler mais
Alvin Buckley
Alvin Buckley
Events Services
Integre com as suas ferramentas favoritas
Ligue a sua conta Flowlu a outras aplicações através de integrações nativas e pré-fabricadas de terceiros.
Flowlu - Integration with Imap
Flowlu - Integration with PayPal
Flowlu - Integration with KonnectzIT
Flowlu - Integration with Jira
Flowlu - Integration with Google Calendar
Flowlu - Integration with Integrately
Flowlu - Integration with Jivochat
Flowlu - Integration with Pabbly
Flowlu - Integration with Calendly
Flowlu - Integration with AppyPie
Flowlu - Integration with Square
Flowlu - Integration with Zendesk
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