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How Typography Affects Your Business Outlook

August 3, 2021
8 min read
How Typography Affects Your Business Outlook

Whatever business you are running right now, it is better to maintain an accurate communication mode with users through your website. If you have an online business then the most significant element which needs to be considered is text. If the text size is not accurate it would have a bad impact on the user. Through text, you can get millions of users in no time. On the other hand, you can lose many followers if the text is not accurate.

If you are a designer you know the real struggle behind typography. It can make and break your business that depends on how effectively you make use of Typography in your business. Typography is all about the presentation of text, the more effectively you have presented, the more benefits it will provide to your business.

In this guide let’s talk about how typography impacts your business outlook. If you have a big business, the style and selection of works can make a huge impact on your business. But how? Let’s talk about this in detail.

1. Excessive Font Usage Look Odd

Have you ever used fonts excessively without any purpose? If you have ever done this then you know how odd it looks at the end. Sometimes people use fonts excessively just because it gives a pleasant look to the website. However, make sure not to use fonts unnecessarily because according to the Typography rule, you should apply 2 or a maximum of 3 fonts in a design.

If you use more than 3 fonts, it will make your website look unorganized and busy. Furthermore, it looks unprofessional to use unlimited fonts in a single design. Be limited and pick those 3 fonts that complement each other. For example, you can use the Arial font family in a single design along with any other sans-serif font. But if you use any type of script font along with this font, then it will definitely create issues for you.

2. Proper Research on Audience

If you are running a particular website you know which audience you are going to target. You should have detailed research on them including their gender, their demographic, their age bracket, their ethnicity, etc. It will help you to present the data according to their interest and desire. When you show exactly what they want to see on your website, it will have a huge impact on your business.

Furthermore, have proper information on what difficulties they face and what type of solutions they are looking for. For instance, if you are planning to design a gaming website for children who belong to a specific age group, you should come with a proper font selection that will let children enjoy the game easily. Furthermore, the font selection should be done in a way that excites children to play more and more.

3. Easy to Understand Font Selection

You surely have often heard that font should be chosen in a way that makes the text understandable and readable. If you are a designer you surely know the meaning behind it. If you are going for a font that is hard to read, then it will have a bad impact on the reader and they won’t give your website a priority because the text is the medium of communication.

The text ought to be discreet for each user and should stream easily; subsequently, we don’t need the chosen textual styles to be found in contrast to one another. If you use the complementary textual style, it will improve the user’s experience and they will better understand what is written.

For example, if you are using a Montserrat font for headings, then make sure the other two fonts you have for subheading and text complement each other. It will impact your business outlook in a positive way.

4. One Font is Enough for Beginner

If you are new to this field and don’t have enough knowledge regarding typography, it is better to stick to a single typeface for practice. One typeface is enough for experiments because it is how you will become a pro. All the modern typefaces comprise many weights so it will be easy for you to choose a specific font for a specific requirement. You can go with a single font for different situations including Buttons, Labels, etc.

You can also use underlined texts and italics in your design but ensure that they are only used when there is an absolute need.

5. Font Size Has a Huge Impact

Apart from font selections, font size is another important element that has a huge impact on the business outlook. How? When a user isn’t be able to read what’s written because of a size issue, how would he communicate with you? Many websites that don’t pay attention to this factor often lose half of the followers. The too-small text will make people stressed and it will surely hurt their eyes especially in mobiles.

On the other hand, if you go for an extra-large text it will also create problems. Always choose that size that is not too large and too small. Font size should be in a way that attracts the users to your website and they found it appealing and understanding.

6. Handwritten Fonts Impacts Your Business

We all know that handwritten fonts are beautiful and attractive and mainly the first choice of every designer but do you know that they make the text hard to read? Yes, you heard it right. If you choose handwritten fonts for your online business it will become hard for the reader to read and understand the text. So what should be done? Avoid using them. It is better to go for a simple font that is easy to read.


Typography is the main element in a website, so avoiding the terms and conditions of typography leads to business or website failure. It impacts a lot on your business outlook which is described in this guide. If you are planning to launch a new website keep these terms and conditions in mind to avoid future problems. We hope you will find this article useful and will act according to it. Always remember that fonts are the medium of communication so never compromise on it.

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