5 Steps to Prune Your Leadership Skills
The leaders are born and not built. The leader improves through the days and evolves through the years. They carry themselves through the ups and downs but always strive to keep those around them up. There is no doubt that it takes specific skills and talents to determine a servant leader, and we are here to offer five ways to prune the skills needed to enhance your leadership.
Who is a leader?
From a broader perspective, a leader is in charge of a project, a team of members or is responsible for something. Beyond this basic perception, a leader has a broader vision and looks towards making the future better. He/She leads a group of people towards a common goal with empathy and teamwork. They set an example for others to follow and have a significant influence on people. They put others before themselves and provide apt solutions during dilemmas. They aren’t superheroes but give their maximum to make things comfortable and safe for those around and with them.
Leaders possess many skills that this blog post would not be enough. Here are five primary and essential skills that qualify leaders.
Responsibility. Leaders are usually in charge of a group of people, which comes with a lot of responsibility. When deadlines aren’t met, when a person is unable to meet the requirements, when there is an error in the working process, when there is conflict among team members, it is the leader’s responsibility to provide a solution to them all.
The leaders are responsible for making sure workers complete their work on time, review their work at the end of the day for corrections, correct them when they are wrong, solve conflicts and create harmony among workers to have effective team building.
Communicate. A leader must be able to communicate clearly and effectively with the team members. Their speaking skills must inspire and motivate workers to give their best and be productive. They must also encourage workers on their efforts and keep them motivated with their feedback and reviews. The communication of a leader matters a lot because it determines the mentality of the workers and is their most significant driving force.
For example, if a leader is rude and offensive, workers will always try to avoid contact with him, stay out of his sight and not respect him. However, on the other hand, when the leader is kind and generous, his feedback and corrections will allow workers to learn and improve their work and respect him. The actions and modulation of a leader used when he communicates significantly impact the receiver’s response.
Decision maker. A well-sculpted leader makes wise and spontaneous decisions to solve the issues at hand. His immediate thinking abilities allow him to give ideas to resolve problems that need close attention. Keeping the future in mind, a leader consistently makes sure that his decisions are for the best and does not affect anyone. They require spontaneity and the guts to decide on the spot with no regrets. This skill evolves with mistakes but eventually makes them great decision-makers.
Integrity. This skill is essential for all human beings but is highly expected in leaders because they are people who we look up to. Leaders are expected to live by their words and follow honesty despite where they are. They must be honest in their words and actions, and they must be able to set an example for others who watch and work with them. They are held accountable for their actions and words in and out.
Courage. A good leader must be brave to do the right thing, no matter how risky it may be. He must have the courage to stand against all odds to do what is best for the organization with all due respect to his superiors. Courage applies to telling the truth, correcting mistakes and accepting criticism. He must be broad-minded and not shy off from facing challenging situations. His boldness will be an inspiration to those working below him.
These are not all the qualities required for a leader but are undoubtedly some of the basics. Now, how do you prune these skills? There is no perfect human being, and every leader is prone to make mistakes but continuously learns from them. It is essential to polish the inborn skills and get better at them. Here are five ways you can prune your leadership skills.
1. Keep learning
Every day teaches us something new, and we will never grow out of learning. Just as we grow through the ages, learning helps improve our leadership skills. Every time leaders do something new or experiment and explore a new field of study, they learn new things and expand their knowledge. This allows them to work effectively and make confident decisions based on the situation. The more they know, the more knowledgeable they get allowing them to be more creative and productive movements. Exploring platforms like Coursera, Codecademy and others can open doors to new knowledge, and help you find the right courses to enhance your leadership skills and decision-making abilities.
2. Bird’s eye view
It is essential to look at the future while stepping into any project. A leader must have the ability to face any unexpected challenges with confidence. They must be able to analyze all the consequences and results of the decisions and choices they make. Having a bird’s eye view allows you to be prepared for the unknown and create a strong foundation for the project or mission ahead.
3. Practice your speech
Always be sure to set an example for those around you by letting your actions go before your words. Allow them to follow you by your actions and not just your comments. This would help mould their character and principles and not just create exceptional performances. A living example can be more transformational than words ever can. As a leader, practice your principles before you teach them to others.
4. Goals
Setting goals for the completion of achievement can be very motivating. Making checklists for each day can help keep track of the progress. This allows leaders to analyze the speed, temperament and skills of their members. Based on their analysis, leaders can divide work and responsibilities and avoid overburdening or stressing them. Giving them their job roles and responsibilities with an adequate timeline before the deadline is crucial to avoid the stress and tension of rushing and giving a bad performance.
5. Feedback
As a leader, it is always essential to give workers feedback to encourage and keep them motivated. But it is equally necessary for leaders to be open to feedback and criticism from their team members. It helps improve the connection between them and allows the leader to improve his skills. This also reveals the humility and devotion of the leader towards his position. Always be open to people’s opinions and ideas, allow yourself to adapt to changes and keep your passion growing.
The core value of a leader is to serve others, and the title “servant leader” suits those that fulfil this commitment by raising many that serve others despite all odds. Being a servant leader doesn’t put you anywhere below others; instead, it makes you an exuberant leader.
Although we begin with a few unpolished skills at hand, you would be a pro at many by the end of this blog post. Ensure that you practice your skills no matter how many times you fail, cause growth begins in the dirt. Encourage yourself to treat everyone with respect and equality, and never overstep your authority. Love all and be Loved, cause there’s nothing greater than being a leader who is loved.
A leader is someone who takes charge of a project or a team, guiding them towards a common goal with empathy, teamwork, and influence. They prioritize others, provide solutions during challenges, and set an example for others to follow.
Leaders must have skills such as responsibility, effective communication, decision-making abilities, integrity, and courage. These skills are crucial for successfully leading a team and achieving common objectives.
To enhance your leadership skills, you can follow these five steps:
- Keep learning: Continuously seek opportunities to learn and expand your knowledge.
- Practice effective communication: Work on communicating clearly and motivating your team.
- Hone decision-making skills: Make wise and quick decisions to address challenges.
- Embrace integrity: Lead by example and maintain honesty in all actions.
- Demonstrate courage: Be brave in doing the right thing and facing difficult situations.
By following these steps and consistently working on developing these skills, you can prune and enhance your leadership abilities.