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Enhance client relationships, streamline project execution, and deliver outstanding consulting services with our dedicated consulting services project management template. From initial client onboarding to project completion, Flowlu’s structured template empowers consultants to deliver strategic and effective solutions for their clients.
Sign up for free to use this template. Available for new accounts only.

Whether offering management consulting, IT consulting, or marketing consulting, our template offers a systematic approach to managing every aspect of consulting projects. Flowlu supports consultants throughout the entire project lifecycle, from initial client meetings to final project deliverables, fostering collaboration and maximizing project success.

Main Elements:

  • Consulting Project Stages: Organize consulting projects into distinct phases to maintain clarity and focus throughout the project execution process.
  • Milestone Management: Set key milestones to track project progress and celebrate achievements effectively with clients and stakeholders.
  • Tasks and Checklists: Break down consulting tasks into actionable steps with clear instructions and checklists. This promotes thorough preparation and meticulous execution of project activities.
  • Automation Tools: Automate routine consulting tasks such as follow-ups, report generation, and timeline management to optimize efficiency and dedicate more time to strategic consulting.
  • Project Description Template: Utilize our structured project brief template to outline project objectives, stakeholders, scope, and deliverables clearly. This serves as a comprehensive reference for consultants throughout the project lifecycle.

How to Use Flowlu’s Consulting Template:

  1. Access the Template: Create a new Flowlu account from this page and navigate to Project Workflows.
  2. Explore Template Features: Familiarize yourself with the various features offered in the Consulting template. These include pre-defined stages, milestone tracking, task management with checklists, and automation tools.
  3. Customize for Your Consulting Needs: Tailor the template to fit the specific requirements of your consulting projects. Modify stages to match your project phases, adjust milestones based on key project deadlines, and customize task descriptions and checklists to reflect your consulting activities.
  4. Initiate a New Project: Start a new consulting project within Flowlu by creating a new project. Define the client name, project title, scope, and any other pertinent information that will guide the project execution process.
  5. Collaborate with Your Team: Invite your consulting team members to the project within Flowlu. Assign tasks and responsibilities, set deadlines, and use task descriptions to provide context and instructions.
  6. Monitor Progress: Track the progress of your consulting efforts using milestone tracking and reporting tools available in Flowlu. Monitor task completion, evaluate timelines, and assess overall project health to ensure everything stays on track.

Get up and running with Flowlu project templates effortlessly by following our step-by-step video guide. This tutorial covers the entire process, from picking the right template to personalizing it for your needs and launching a new project.

Streamline your consulting project management process, enhance collaboration among your team members, and deliver exceptional consulting solutions for your clients.

See the most answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can find even more information in the knowledge base.
Knowledge base

Our consulting services project management template is versatile and can manage various types of consulting projects including management consulting, IT consulting, marketing consulting, and financial consulting. It covers all phases from initial client onboarding to project completion, ensuring a structured and efficient workflow.

Yes, Flowlu allows you to manage and track multiple consulting projects simultaneously. You can set up different projects within the platform, each with its own set of tasks, milestones, and team members. The progress of each project can be monitored in real-time using milestone tracking and reporting tools.

The template facilitates seamless collaboration by allowing you to invite team members to projects, assign tasks, set deadlines, and provide context and instructions through detailed task descriptions. Additionally, real-time updates and communication tools within Flowlu ensure everyone stays on the same page, enhancing overall project efficiency and team productivity.

Get your projects up and running in no time
Start your free trial today to use this template. Available for new accounts only.
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Created by
Flowlu - Paul Burke
Paul Burke
Strategic Insights Advisors
Experience the power of organized workflows
Sign up for free to use this template. Available for new accounts only.
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