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Last Activity and Date in Opportunities, Comment Filters, External-to-Internal Converting and Even More!

2 min read
Last Activity and Date in Opportunities, Comment Filters, External-to-Internal Converting and Even More!
Before releasing some brand-new features, we want to pamper you with some small but mighty updates.
  • We had a lot of requests to make the estimated time settings more reachable. You asked, and we delivered! From now on, you can establish an estimated time without going into editor mode. Just click the time tracker icon in the task and fill in the estimated time.
  • Today's must-have is the last activity and the last activity date in the opportunities’ list. If you want to check when the last email, call, or meeting with a client was, simply go to the list of opportunities and add these columns in the list settings.
  • Even Flowlu knows that a good freelancer can become a part of your team, that’s why we added external-to-internal user converting. If you want an external user to become a part of your team, click the Make an internal user button in the user's profile.
  • To avoid unnecessary micromanagement, we’ve added a new automation type for the "Field Update" action in the task workflows - change assignee. It means that you can simply update the assignee field in the task at a specific workflow stage, so you won’t need to reassign the task.
  • Activivties on the CRM and projects are a total mess? Don’t worry, because we added filters to the activity section in Projects and CRM Opportunities/Accounts. With brand-new filters, you can organize information based on your needs and navigate through massive amounts of data with ease.
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